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APC Lab Fit-Out

CSC manufactured and installed 2 floors of state-of-the-art laboratories in APC

CSC was tasked with manufacturing and installing fume cupboards, lab furniture and fume extraction for APC's state-of-the-art laboratories. Our team designed a wide and varied range of customized fume cupboards to meet the clients specific needs. We also had design challenges with the extraction system on this project.

APC had a requirement for a raised access floor and open plan services above. This limited the available space to install correctly sized services such as extract and supply ducting. It would also restrict the available space to install VAV controls on the Fume Cupboards.

The airflow requirements for these laboratories dictated that a 600 Ø PVC duct would not fit in the space available. In conjunction with the design team, we installed a fabricated rectangular duct with the dimensions 600x400mm. Our fabrication facilities enabled us to manufacture the duct, bends, fittings, and transitions to maximize the available space while maintaining the cross-sectional area of the duct. Our production expertise and facilities allowed us to remain on time and on budget. The quality of the manufacturing and installation was fully in keeping with the open-plan design requirements of the architect and client.

APC Lab Fitout Extraction System Fabrication

Power in Numbers







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